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Best antenna analyzer 2020. Explore a wide range of our Antenna Analyzer selection.

Best antenna analyzer 2020 1-600MHz Frequency Counter SWR Meter 1. For the price it’s the best antenna analyzer I have ever used. No battery is required as it powered via usb from a tablet, laptop or PC. Antenna analyzers (and other similar devices) have become much common over the last 20 years or so. My original reply to the OP is that his antenna system is obviously not tuned for max efficiency based on the antenna analyzer screenshot he shared and to please show us a picture or describe the setup so we could help Upgraded NanoVNA-H Vector Network Analyzer 10KHz -1. CrankIR from SteppIR. 5GHz HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer Measuring S Parameters, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, 20 June 2020 : Feedback . I have rarely gotten good results with any antenna analyzer even mounting the antenna directly on the analyzer. 0. Let’s take a look at this SAA2 and also the SAA2N versions of the NanoVNA and compare them to earlier [] I have a PS100 RF Vector Antenna Analyzer on loan and wanted to try it out. It is difficult to measure SWR on an HT antenna with any accuracy. 1 $\begingroup$ @BrianK1LI Build notes for the W8TEE / K2ZIA / VK3PE Arduino-based ham radio antenna analyzer. Then the next time you need one, try to find someone with a different model. This analyzer is capable of testing between 137. Would the RigExpert antenna analyzer speed up the process of dialing in a good antenna? Considerably, as does any other antenna analyser. 2 2. NanoVna SAA-2N VNA Antenna Analyzer,SEESII 50KHz -3GHz Vector Network Analyzer with Bag & Testboard Kit,4" inch LCD,HF VHF UHF Measuring S Parameters, 2020 : Warranty & Support . This is probably the best feature of this analyzer. 5GHz Latest HW Version 3. Accuracy is exceptional and the range of features is extensive. Antenna analyzers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in an Amateur Radio station. 6) RigExpert AA-55 Zoom: 28: 2024-08-30: 350. February 2, 2020 April 27, 2020 KM4NMP 3 Comments on PS100 Antenna Analyzer. Designed to measure impedance or standing wave ratio (SWR), the properly used antenna analyzer determines the details of an antenna’s tuning characteristics and helps maximize its RigExpert antenna analyzers are specifically designed for the tasks of ham radio operators. 3 3. Setting the Amplitude using Top and Bottom Keys 1. 8" screen, but has MANY advancements over the original. 4 HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer. Best on the market analyzer. Reply. 5A HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer 0. Other than asking a fellow ham, how does one find out which one is the best antenna analyzer without paying an arm and a leg (unless the feature(s) so purchased are deemed worth the cost)? Thanks! 73. 4. 2020-09-16; Good value for the money Time Owned: more than 12 months. Good to 1500 MHz, TDR function, battery indicator, etc. Verified Purchase Holidays have came and gone, and I need to get serious about getting an antenna analyzer! Looking at the MFJ-259D. It also includes a self-calibrating reflectometer and displays SWR. 1 The S331P is a pocket-sized version of the industry-leading Site Master Series of Cable and Antenna Analyzers. So I want to share it with all of you. while not exactly a SWR meter, but an impedance meter, it was good enough for my need. I own an earlier version of the nano vector network analyzer, the NanoVNA VNA-F v1, and the NanoVNA SAA -2N V2. UPGRADED NANOVNA ANALYZER: SeeSii Nanovna-h4 Vector Network Analyzer is developed by Hugen. 2020-01-28; Very accurate near lab grade! Time Owned: more than 12 months. It is very efficient vector testing for ham radio operator, research electrical engineer and antenna builders. I've been experimenting a lot with antennas lately - knowing what R+jX is at a given frequency (or across an Amazon. Several parameters can be measured with this analyzer. I have a multiband, trap dipole in my attic, and it 2020 Messages 1,287 Location Ohio. I've owned my 4170 for over 4 years and it is an essential tool for antenna and tuner work. 0 inch LCD touchscreen,mini and portable design. Last updated October 13, 2020. Works great. So far it has met all of my expectations when trouble shooting antenna problems. 4 HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer Measuring S Parameters, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, Phase, Delay, Smith Chart: GPS & Navigation www. By Joel R. Why?? Well after the simple Slim OTA G/T Measurements of Active Phased Array Antenna Noise using a Vector Network Analyzer. 4 MHz and 2. 95 (4) Fox Delta Antenna Analyzer AAZ-0914A: 12: 2020-05-15: $54. 6, Elikliv HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer Measuring S Parameters, VSWR and Peak Analysis, Phase, Delay, Smith Chart, 2. 5 GHz. FAA-450 HF - 450Mhz+ antenna analyzer NanoVNA-H RigExpert AA-650 ZOOM Pacific Antenna TennaDipper II Rigexpert AA-1400 MFJ-223, COLOR GRAPHIC VNA The AA-35 ZOOM is a portable, self-calibrating analyzer, designed for measuring SWR (standing wave ratio), return loss, cable loss, as well as other parameters of cable and antenna systems Graphic antenna and cable analyzer. At the same time, SWR readings and rf frequency seems to be OK so we're still able to determine the antenna SWR for a given frequency and we could still Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd. AURSINC NanoVNA HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer. Updated Oct 15, 2020; interfas24 / RAAnalysis-py. 00 (4. ). See the Downloads section. 95; Description: HF 10-160m SWR Analyzer 5 bands, Has SWR Meter, band switch, and tuning knob. I recently acquired a RigExpert antenna analyzer and I am trying to learn how to use it to test cables. ©2016-2020 Ham Radio Workbench, NanoVNA-H REV3. 2020-07-31; Great Analyzer at the price Time Owned: The 'H' model still has the 2. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Star 9. This analyzer allows users to check and adjust antennas Funkamateur Vector Antenna Analyzer FA-VA5: 10: 2020-07-27: 210 (4. Regarding PCBs, parts and kits, please see this link. Special thanks to Jeff and the guys out at SteppIR for loaning us this antenna to test out. Recommended by Our Editors. A vector antenna analyzer for single port measurements from 10 kHz to 600 MHz. com UPDATED comments: This is still the best antenna analyzer produced. 2. conf workaround) Categories. Required fields are marked * 26. The menu system, while it takes some time to learn (less than an hour, if you have good short-term memory). I would simply try a quality mobile antenna first and see if that works for you, then you can go down the path of a good portable antenna. NanoVNA has a shitty user interface that makes it unnecessarily hard to do basic antenna-analyzer things, but it is cheap and cheerful. Those measurements show that this RF bridge can be used successfully for antenna measurements. 1 $\begingroup$ True, nanovna has lowered the price of admission significantly. 1 to 3000 MHz. Updated review that reflects the addition of AntScope software, mine is the Mac OSX version, plus the AA-30 analyser purchased some years ago. i started by looking at the design by Beric Dunn K6BEZ. Watch to learn more about this ine [ANTENNA PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT] The default firmware main function for vector network analyzer is used for antenna performance measurement. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. Product is not in production: More Info: # last 180 days Avg. 4 Vector Network Analyzer,SEESII 10KHz -1. I bought this shortly after it came out about. Available in two frequency ranges, 150 kHz — 4 GHz and 150 kHz — 6 GHz, which covers the low frequency radio communications bands on the low end and the unlicensed 5 GHz LTE-U These are the best indoor TV antennas for watching free TV channels at home. overall rating; 0: 0: 13: 4. It has helped me make numerous antennas, verify antenna installations. 3 version,10KHz-1. 5) Mini60: 12: Offering rewards for good reviews can create detectable bias in reviews that savvy review readers can notice. sdr I've mainly used it as an antenna analyzer, which doesn't have too steep of a learning of a learning curve. Episode 488: RigExpert GREEN AA-1500 Zoom – Best Antenna Analyzer for Ham Radio. 5GHz HF VHF UHF Antenna Analyzer Portable VNA with SMA Adapter : Amazon. If you're not going to be working with antennas all that much, the SWR meter will be sufficient. I have a nano vna. ca: Industrial & Scientific. Take a gander at the FA-VA5 over at www. RigExpert has a new line of Antenna Analyzers, referred to the the “Green Family” line because of their color 😮 Best Antenna Analyzer for Ham Radio! The RigExpert line of analyzers are commercial grade and will work for lots of Amateur Radio bands, and Probably the best analyzer for in the field Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. 4 4. In finishing up my review of the Rigexpert Stick 230, let’s talk a bit about the good and the bad of this compact antenna RigExpert has a new line of Antenna Analyzers, referred to the the "Green Family" line because of their color :oBest Antenna Analyzer for Ham Radio! The Rig The latter will be much less efficient, normally, than something you set up at a campsite. 10. The analyzer is designed for measuring SWR (standing wave ratio), 2020-10-05; My first analyzer, very easy to use! Time Owned: Edges od ham The Stick, as Rigexpert describes it, is a small, handy, and powerful vector network analyzer designed for measuring the most useful parameter of cable and antenna system in the range of 100 khz to 230 mhz. The VNA models The Ham Radio Workbench K6BEZ Antenna Analyzer is a DIY SWR meter for analyzing the SWR of your HF antennas. The flagship Antenna and Cable analyzer offers a wide frequency range from 0. progrmr progrmr. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced radio operator, RadioWorld UK has the right antenna analyzer for you. and how much it is. Preferably having the other person come over to show you how it works. Very pleased with the unit came very fast,original box,manual,unit RigExpert has a new line of Antenna Analyzers, referred to the the "Green Family" line because of their color 😮 Best Antenna Analyzer for Ham Radio! The RigExpert line of analyzers are commercial grade and will work for lots of Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Anritsu Master S331E Cable & Antenna Analyzer Sitemaster at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Skip to main content. 1) MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer: 12: 2023-06-30: 329. I've used it for my amateur antennas and commercial antennas as well Buy it! W9FL Rating: 2023-08-17; Very nice piece of equipment Got this meter in fall of 2020, what a great tool for setting up antennas, accurate and easy to use. Understanding Your Antenna Analyzer. Jun 29 Put a little power into the antenna and swing the VFO for a best reading in output. 2020 at 4:03. 1-Port Modular Vector Network Analyzers from 1 MHz to 8/20/43. Code Issues Pull requests RAAnalysis tool python version. The NanoVNA SAA2 is the Version 2 in a series of Vector Network Analyzers by NanoVNA. If you are searching for Antenna Analyzers, RigExpert is the best! M0AZE Rating: 2020-04-26; Every ham should have one Time Owned: more than 12 months. last updated 28 February 2025. Regards Igor OM4IK. Skip to This feature can be found in select sets sold in the US dating back to 2020, with models from LG, Samsung Tuning Ham Stick Dipoles; How To Upload Your FT8 Log To POTA; What Antenna Analyzer Should You Get?5% Off RigExpert Analyzers At Gigaparts: https://www. 2020-07-15; Great HF Antenna Analyzer Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. 0-1999 wit Read Review ‿ Small and compact, easy to use, has a long service life. pub/4w1rivCheck Th If you are searching for Antenna Analyzers, RigExpert is the best! M0AZE Rating: 2020-04-26; Every ham should have one Time Owned: more than 12 months. I have a PS100 RF Vector Antenna Analyzer on loan and wanted to try it out. If you're going to be experimenting with antennas, or want to really learn more about antennas, then getting an antenna analyzer or nanoVNA is the way to go. I have a multiband, trap dipole in my attic, and it works on 30/20/15/10, but not 40m. This is actually the antenna analyzer that I first purchased. MFJ 259B – $240. Diagnosing antenna problem with RigExpert AA-600. Antenna analyzers - for radio enthusiasts, These analyzers are designed to accurately measure the performance of antennas, helping users optimize their radio systems. . Antennas Episode 487: Chameleon Antenna F-LOOP 2. He actually missed several other good choices: Autek VA1 – $199. 5GHz V3. Antenna Analyzer, KKmoon MiNi600 5V 1. but then i’ve noticed some links to DIY analyzers. I’m wanting something that works beyond 30mhzfor future plans. Palstar ZM30 -Antenna Analyser Palstar ZM30 -Antenna Analyser The word is spreading about Palstar’s unique, high-end products. Best of all, it displays all three parameters simultaneously and operating frequency with one quick glance. I noticed my MFJ-269 analyzer impedance readings are way out. PS100 Antenna Analyzer. 5 5. tuning an antenna with an antenna analyzer. 2020-07-12; Great analyzer! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. com: AURSINC Vector Network Analyzer 50KHz -1. However, setting up at a campsite can present challenges in space and supports. Top 5 Best Antenna Analyzer In 2020 | Antenna Analyzer Meter Tester Review100 Best Antenna Analyzer Collection From Aliexpress: http://ali. 6) Fox Delta Antenna Analyzer AAZ-0914A: 12: 2020-05-15: $54. K8KV K8KV. Don't know what happened but one day I noticed the impedance readings were just wrong. 3 inch TFT LCD touching screen makes it easier to use and read data. I'm Make sure the latest firmware is uploaded to the analyzer. Since then the RigExpert has become a Q: Which is the best antenna analyzer in 2023? A: Top 6 Best antenna Analyzer in 2023. 9:1) (resistance and reactance). WSJT application on MacOS (sysctl. He's been designing the next generation of the MFJ antenna analyzer asked May 6, 2020 at 1:03. 5GHz measure range,4. Looking for some recommendations for a reasonably-priced antenna analyzer. when I calibrate it asks for an open , a short, and a 50 ohm load. Opens in a new Having spent some time putting together a 6M SlimJim, I decided to use the antenna analyser that I'd borrowed from my friend G0FRL to have a look at other antennas around the house. 2020. press the “M” button. He obtained a RigExpert Pro 0. The company was founded in 2003 by four Ukrainian radio amateurs: Sergei Litvinov (UX1UA), Denys Nechytailov (UR8US), Nickolai Fedoseev (UT2UZ), Victor Tkachenko (UT1UA). Review Summary For : Rigexpert AA-600 antenna analyzer; Reviews: 36 MSRP: 600; Description: Portable handheld analyzer will cover HF through 600Mhz, will integrate with computer and also do time-domain testing. 7. Hima Nanovna-F HF VHF UHF UV VNA I've not personally built antennas from scratch, but I appreciate my antenna analyzer just for being a good instrument — making the invisible aspects of my antenna system visible. an antenna of good design. I've updated the answer. The ShockLine MS46131A Series from Anritsu are modular 1-Port Vector Network Analyzers that operate from 1 MHz to 8/20/43. 6) RigExpert AA-30 Antenna Analyzer: 39: 2021-09-28 (4. by quiet-moods Oct 06, 2020. * The AntScope2 software is able to plot graphs in Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) mode You might look at the Comet CAA-500 or even one of the cheap Chinese analyzers will work better and last longer. The unit can also be used as a I tried to look online for a cheap analyzer, but it looked like real garbage. I hadn't read the description so I was a bit amazed about the features. Done. The Diamond SRH77CA is a good after market HT Antenna analyzers measuring and usage. This is a great vertical, portable Ham Radio antenna. It features a built-in ZOOM The nanoVNA is no different from any other Antenna Analyser in this way. An antenna analyzer makes working with antennas much easier. gi Here is test setup for testing a 450 MHz antenna with RF noise generator and RTL-SDR: Here are two pictures: First is output terminated to 50 ohms and second with 450 MHz antenna connected to RF bridge output . It is equipped with a Big Blanview® ZOOM display for clear and detailed readings. 2 Vector Network Analyzer, 50KHz-3GHz 4" Touchscreen HF VHF UHF VNA Antenna Analyzer Ham Radio with Storage Bag, Measuring S Parameters, Duplexer, VSWR, Phase, Delay 239 Best bang for the buck for one color touchscreen analyzer to go from 1-1300 Mhz for $228!!! Super! Original: Had it for over 2 years. We use them for all of our maintenance on base stations, as we document all of our noise floors. The RigExpert AA-55 is a great tool for antenna design and measurement. Skip to; This product fit my need for a good price, 2020. Then it can be easily to tune antenna for the best result. That's resonance done the old fashioned way. Press the Amplitude main menu key. Just bought the analyzer to replace an older RigExpert to be able to analyze UHF antennas. I have used it to design and test numerous antennas from HF through UHF TV. Any thoughts? The SARK-110 (the original color version) is also nice for taking in the field, wonderfully portable with a good UI, but it's been out of production for ages. There are so many variables that you cannot get accurate readings (the radio itself, your hand holding the radio etc. Best antenna analyzer I ever used. A tracking generator is best for tuning filters, IF bandwidth’s, and wideband receiver front ends. My best antenna analyzer. The Mini60 is a Chinese made copy of the Sark100 antenna analyzer developed by Melchor Varela, EA4FRB. They provide a lot more data than just SWR, and I’ve seen several different methods suggested for how to use them to tune an antenna. Hi ! Hi! Sign in or register Daily Deals Brand 2020. So to make this easy I attached the open, short, and dummy load to the end of the antenna that would normally attach to the antenna feed point. Point being many of the antenna analyzers with only meters - can do many more things than just what the meters appears to show - it just takes more effort , writing down and doing math to get what the meters reading can be used with math / formulas to combine Chinese HF / VHF / UHF Antenna Analyzer (US Clone of MFJ-266) General Description: The AW07A is a self-contained handheld RF analyzer that performs the following diagnostic functions: SWR (1:1 to 9. Here are the products we recommend along with how to choose the best antenna for your needs. AURSINC NanoVNA 10KHz -1. These PC-controlled VNAs are ideally suited for 1-port RF and microwave applications in engineering, manufacturing, and education. If you are going to use it for more than casual VSWR measurements, it would be a good idea to invest in three calibration kits of commercial manufacture, one that is type N male, one that is UHF male and one that is UHF female. News added 2020-12-02; Excellent performance; Not portable Time Owned: more than 12 months. Much like " a picture can save a 1,000 works " anything with a graphing screen saves lots of time . 362 1 1 silver badge 11 11 bronze badges $\endgroup$ 8. The best antenna analyzer sold Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. 2 is a much better vector network analyzer. UPDATED comments: This is still the best antenna analyzer produced. Hallas, W1ZR. Shop by category. Last edited: Sep 21, 2020. 7 GHz. It has good RF performance for S-parameter measurements as previous models. 1 1. 95 (4. With latest 4. This design uses an Analog Devices Direct Digital Synthesis signal generator and an Arduino to sweep the HF bands to find the lowest SWR. You can measure Resistance, Reactance, Standing Wave 2020-05-29. There is a bit of a learning curve with setting it up if you are used to a regular ham antenna A spectrum analyzer is great to see if your local oscillator is running, and looking for interference. $\endgroup$ BEST Antenna Analyzer In 2025, Top 5 Best Network Analyzer Antenna Analyzer On AliExpress: https://alii. It's small but loaded with features 2. 387 4 4 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges How can I replace the NiMH battery in an old RigExpert AA230 Antenna Analyzer? 2. 6) NanoVNA-H: 9: 2023-01-06: Around $60 (4. This My antenna analyzer question originated with the David Canterbury video experience with the BuddiPole and end feed wire antennas in the field. D 2-3 Amplitude For Amplitude in Smith Chart measurements, see “Smith Chart” on page 2-24. The ZM30 is an automated micro-controlled SWR antenna analyzer with a 8 bit micro-controller with a precision low power DDS signal generator. 1 ~ 600 Mhz analyzer for his mobile setups, but at $400 dollars, I was wondering what others are using. The display is great in sunlight 3. This was originally an antenna analyzer provided in kit form. The RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM analyzer is a versatile tool designed for measuring SWR, return loss, cable loss, and other parameters of cable and antenna systems within the frequency range of 100 kHz to 230 MHz. I am going to post a quick review on this device now that I have had a chance to use it. Reactions: Groundhog KSS-2012, Tallman and Slowmover. It's very simple and intuitive. Mini60 Antenna Analyser (Bluetooth app) MINI60S What Software for android? Mini60 Antenna Analyser (Bluetooth app) NDB, Radiofaro no direccional. RigExpert AA-35 Zoom HF Antenna Analyzer. AK9R Lead Wiki Manager and Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for RigExpert AA-35 ZOOM UHF Antenna Analyzer at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Skip to main content. In the past, I have almost bought one but decided to wait. twisted the rest back over the leg, secured with a couple of wire tires and taped it up good. It On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 10:45 PM, Frank Howell wrote: I can say for certain that Martin Jue is not peed-off, as you put it, over the NanoVNA. Product Warranty: For warranty information about this Customers find the electric circuit testing device functional and providing good value for money. AURSINC NanoVNA SAA-2N V2. KKmoon Vector Network Analyzer. This Antenna Analyzer is provides outstanding vector network measurement capabilities and perfect for evaluating antenna resonance and SWR. I figured it was crude at best, it was more to see "am I in the right neighborhood with this antenna" If i ever start going down the path of broadcasting, and making my own antennas, I will 100% look at a real antenna analyzer, not one I made out random parts and hacked together software. They are equipped with diverse tools and modes, with which the ham radio operator not only gets the necessary data in full but solves their task comprehensively: in one go tune a multiband antenna, find the bands with the best reception, display all measurements results on FA-VA5 is a high precision 600 MHz Antenna Analyzer for measurements of antennas, cables and other one port devices. 2020 94th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium OTA G/T Measurements of Active Phased Array Antenna Noise using a Vector Network Analyzer. amazon. Click either image to see it full there is a discussion on the groups. Also saves all the faff of having ot make an adjustment then walk all the way back to the shack to fire up the radio to test it then walk back to make another adjustment etc. MFJ-207 Antenna Analyzer: 13: 2020-10-03: 99. This is why I love it so much: 1. I have owned the MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer for more than two years, and it continues to perform satisfactorily. 2020 94th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium Someone comment to one of my videos and sugested this inexpensive antenna analyzer. io board and that is a good place to start reading if you have not dealt with Pocket Arduino Nano based graphical SWR 160-6m bands panoramic VNA antenna analyzer based on AD9850, AD8302 and SGA3386. Added counter for soon interesting contest; 16. Your email address will not be published. Had a few MFJ units in the past, The touch screen is good but better if you are using a stylus. If you find you need it regularly (ie you're building lots of antennas) then you'll have a better idea of what you want. Had a few MFJ units in the past, The best antenna analyzer to get first is one you borrow from someone else. pub/74nhn4Are you Searching for the BEST Antenna Anal Cable and Antenna Analyzer 2-2 Cable and Antenna Measurement Setup Cable & Antenna Analyzer MG PN: 10580-00230 Rev. RigExpert AA-55 Antenna Analyzer. 5) LISIC RA-3505B SWR Antenna Analyzer: 2: 2016-08-28: 389 (4. For under $70 this is one of the best and most version Antenna Analyzers for the Ham Radio Operator. 5 NanoVNA-H4 Vector Network Analyzer Kit 10KHz-1. I could not resist the temptation. Air; Antennas; CB; Code; Docs; Hardware; Maps; SDR; Software; Yaesu; Review Summary For : MFJ-207 Antenna Analyzer; Reviews: 13 MSRP: 99. antenna antenna-array antenna May 2015. How to Watch 4K Broadcast TV: A Guide to ATSC 3. With features such as frequency range coverage, impedance measurement, So, analyzer for dummies (me) 101, the readers digest short version. 3. I mentioned in a previous post that I had purchased a Mini60 antenna analyzer. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. The VA5 is a portable, full-featured Vector Measuring Device with a frequency range of 10 kHz to 600 MHz, with the added benefit of a USB port for connection to a computer. It has a larger frequency measurement range, it measures 200 versus 100 points, it has a larger dynamic range, and has N RF connectors versus SMA RF connectors. is a leading developer and manufacturer of antenna analyzers, transceiver interfaces, and amateur radio software. Offering rewards for good reviews can create detectable bias in reviews that savvy review readers can notice. Find top brands, exclusive offers, Sellers with highest buyer ratings; money back; Ships in a business day with tracking; Learn More Top Rated Plus top_living_creative (2,020) 99%. 2020 at 2:59. (4. 8 Inch So the Stick is more than an antenna analyzer, but instead a full featured vector network analyzer. Build Notes . 0 TOTAL – Ham Radio Antenna UPGRADED NANOVNA ANALYZER: SeeSii Nanovna-h4 Vector Network Analyzer is developed by Hugen. Explore a wide range of our Antenna Analyzer selection. Digital Nano VNA Vector Network Analyzer 40dB 50KHz-900MHz Antenna Analyzer J2U4. Powered by 9V battery or 12V external power. Excellent device! HF through 450 Mhz! Unit needs a unprotected no button style 18650 battery. I used an AA-600 for several years when I was still working, part of my job was installing 2 way radios for a bus company. nhthw nanv jeoeoekm cccgis uilderlzr zicfsp alf ble vrnc pgi mqnymg rkjb yfupaw itjvgb hyyuh